CryptoValleys FAQ

What is $XYIELD and how does it work?

$XYIELD is a token that you can obtain by staking your $YIELD at the Banker. Here's how it operates:

  • Stake your $YIELD at the Banker to acquire $XYIELD.
  • The price of $XYIELD increases with each purchase of seeds. (97% of seeds are burned, 3% are distributed to the Banker, 1.5% goes to $XYIELD, and 1.5% goes to the ETH-YIELD liquidity pool).
  • There are no fees or locking periods for staking your $YIELD for $XYIELD.
  • The APY (Annual Percentage Yield) for $XYIELD is not predetermined; it fluctuates based on the distribution from seed burning.

How do I unlock my locked $YIELD?

Unlocking locked $YIELD involves the following steps:

  • Achieve level 10 in your farm by investing 2900 $YIELD.
  • Interact with the Sage to initiate the unlocking process.
  • Utilize the Sage UI to unlock a portion of your locked $YIELD.

Is there an alternative method to unlock $YIELD if I can't reach level 10 farm?

Yes, there will be new and additional methods introduced to facilitate the unlocking of locked $YIELD. Updates to the FAQ will be provided as soon as new information becomes available.

How will airdrops be distributed?

Airdrops will be distributed in batches to mitigate selling pressure. Further details on this distribution method will be provided soon.

When will airdrops occur?

Airdrops will occur, but it's important to note that constantly asking about them may inadvertently delay the process. Airdrop distribution involves various considerations, including technical preparations, community engagement, and market dynamics. Constant inquiries can divert resources and attention away from these necessary tasks, potentially slowing down the airdrop process. Therefore, it's best to allow the team to focus on the necessary steps to facilitate a smooth and timely airdrop.

What are the PFP mint details?

Collection Details
  • 15 different characters
  • 8 unique backgrounds
  • 7 possible frames
  • 5% royalty -> 100% to buyback & burn YIELD
Mint Details
  • Cost: Free
  • Total Supply: 1,500
  • Team supply: 0
  • WL mint start date: 8pm EST March 21
  • WL mint end date: 7:59 pm EST March 22
  • Where:
Characters Distribution
  • 675/1500 (45%)
  • 500/1500 (30%)
  • 225/1500 (15%)
  • 120/1500 (8%)
  • 30/1500 (2%)

What will the PFP mints do?

PFP mints will enhance your CryptoValleys experience, although the specific mechanics are currently undisclosed.

What is WL, and how can it be obtained?

WL, short for Whitelist, was initially awarded to original (OG) members who listed their addresses. Currently, obtaining WL is no longer possible unless it is given away by someone who already possesses it.

How do I create referral codes?

  • Level up your farm to level 5: Advance your farm to at least level 5 by investing $YIELD.
  • Interact with the referral building in 'House': Navigate to the 'House' section and locate the referral NPC.
  • Set up your own referral code: Access the referral code setup within the referral NPC interface and follow the provided instructions to generate your unique referral code.

What do referrals earn you?

Referrals will earn you 1% of the $YIELD spent by those you've referred.

InfoValleys v1.1.1 - 2024 InfoValleys is in no way affiliated with the official team of CryptoValleys. We are a community-ran guild project. Tipjar: 0x6E609BDCf4c7c7983171978326612ccB9BB8b10c